This stunning white-tailed deer was happily munching on the leaves and twigs while I took many photos of her. I was so surprised she stayed and didn't run away.
📌 White-tailed deer are the Olympians of the forest! They can sprint up to 30 miles per hour and leap as high as 10 feet and as far as 30 feet in a single bound!
📌 White-tailed deer have excellent vision, smell, and hearing. Their eyes have superb peripheral sight because they’re located at the sides of the head; they can see almost all the way around their body. Also, they have more light-detecting cells than humans, which enables keen night vision. That’s very impressive, but smell—10,000 times better than a human’s—and hearing—which can detect the softest sounds—outweigh their eyesight.
📌 The opposite of dogs, white-tailed deer only wag their tails when startled.
📌 Dick Day, the illustrator who created Bambi for Walt Disney, used real fawns from Maine's Baxter State Park as his prototypes — so Bambi as we know her is indisputably a Maine deer.
White-tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus)
Outer Banks, North Carolina
March 2024